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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why Bodybuilders Should Buy Proviron for Their Steroid Cycles

Why Bodybuilders Should Buy Proviron for Their Steroid Cycles

Proviron is a steroid that is often overlooked by bodybuilders and gym rats. Proviron is an oral steroid of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone).

The good thing with DHT is that it is pure androgen but doesn't cause any water retention like testosterone would. It will make the muscle hard and grainy. It does also lower SHBG which actually prevents estrogen build up. So it also works as an aromatise inhibitor but not as strong as for example Arimidex or Aromasin. The bad thing with DHT is that it may cause hair loss.

Before people would think of DHT as a bad thing but today most bodybuilders use it. Some people like to use Proscar for reducing hair loss but when using Proscar it actually lowers the DHT and thus hindering potential muscle gains. Another side effect of Proscar is impotence, so choose wisely.

Now that you know the effects of DHT you may wonder how we use Proviron to benefit us. Since Proviron lowers SHGB it does allow the body to bind more testosterone to the receptors. In the body only about 10% testosterone is actually bound to receptors and being used, the other 90% is just “floating around”. When using Proviron it allows you to use more of the testosterone you have available, whether it is natural or injected.

You may also use it for it's anti estrogenic properties. 
In some aspects it is better than other Anti-Estrogen as there is no rebound effect from Proviron.

Proviron is a very good drug for pre contest as it give you definition and a hard ripped look. There is androgen receptors in your fat as well as muscle cells and since DHT bind so well there is also a fat burning effect from using it.

Although Proviron is a great steroid, using Proviron on it's own is not recommended as it needs some Testosterone to work well. It does not cause water retention but can however increase blood pressure.

The typical dosage of Proviron is 50mg and is enough to give you all the good effects you are looking for mentioned above.